Safe Tips for Kids to Use Facebook
Mister Ry
Friday, February 6, 2009
0 comments - Parents give freedom to their kids to recognize social network such as facebook, is legal to do. But, there could be problems with that, especially when those kids don’t understand the essence of using the site wisely. There’s special rules suggested to be applied by parents to establish discipline in using facebook.
- Parents must remind their kids to stay aware of people they don’t recognize in facebook.
- Tell the kids not to tell their full identity to the public, in order to prevents unkind deeds. It is advised to use nicknames instead of full names.
- Tell your kids to look friends from same region or country with the parents in order to ease the parents to put surveillance to their kids.
- Never put photo with using school uniforms. This is meant to decrease kidnapping case spotted rapidly these days round. Only put photo at holiday, for instance.
- Give clear detention when kids break the rule.
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